Who We Are
Search and Rescue Dog Australia (SARDA) is a volunteer not for profit organisation.
We provide self-sufficient teams of canines, handlers and support staff, each with specific scent detection skill sets, to assist emergency services in the area of searching, detection and recovery.
Understanding incident management is ever changing and can require time critical response.
SARDA is available to assist 24/7 to the emergency controlling agent.
What We Do
SARDA dogs are highly trained and unique resource. It takes approximately 1-2 years and over 1200 hours to train a detection canine.
Global data suggests that only 1 in 400 trained canines become qualified in detection.
It has also been calculated that 1 qualified detection canine and handler team is the equivalent of 30 humans in optimal conditions.

What Are Our Qualifications
Our accredited dog teams are assessed by Internationally qualified external assessors against International and Australian standards: INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency, USA) NSardaUK Lowland Area Search Standards.
SARDA who are successful in passing the Lowland UK Landsar Area Search Standard and are now placed on the call-out list and will continue to maintain this level.
There are no official Landsar K9 standards in Australia so adopting same and getting accredited assessors raises the credibility of teams on call-out lists. WA SES- Canine Unit and Volunteer Rescue Association K9 NSW are also accredited to the Lowland Landsar Standard.
SARDA also provides accredited Human Remains – Cadaver Canines. These teams are accredited to the APWADA Human Remains Detection Standards and carried out by an accredited assessor in Australia. Two teams have the above qualifications and are on standby 24/7 to assist Victoria Police and other Government Agencies requiring this capability.